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物理学科Seminar第531讲:Sergey Nikolaev(2020年11月13日15:00)
发布人:  张晓智  发布时间:  2020-11-11  浏览量:   关闭

报告题目(Title):强关联体系Hubbard模型导论(Introduction to the Hubbard Model

报告人(Speaker):Sergey Nikolaev (Tokyo Institute of Technology)


报告地点(Place):校本部E106   ZOOM在线(ID: 961 7013 4093, Passcode: 6qV1Ym


邀请人(Inviter):任伟 教授


The Hubbard model is one of the most important concepts in the theory of strongly correlated materials that offers insights into various phenomena, such as magnetism, a metal-insulator transition and superconductivity. While the behaviour of many fascinating materials can be described within the Hubbard model and its extensions, it remains one of the most difficult models to solve, and a number of various numerical techniques have been developed to simulate its properties. In this lecture, I will talk about some general aspects of the Hubbard model, its applications in the theory of magnetism, and the state-of-the-art simulation tools, such as exact diagonalization and dynamical mean-field theory.
