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发布人:  张晓智  发布时间:  2024-08-30  浏览量:   关闭




















2002-2006 北京师范大学 物理学系   学士

2006-2009 中国科学院物理研究所    硕士

2009-2014 荷兰特文特大学        博士

2014    德国美因茨大学        博士后

2015-2024 北京师范大学 物理与天文学院 副教授

2024-   上海大学 理学院物理系   副教授



1. Gilbert damping for magnetic multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

Yi Liu, Pengtao Yang, and Paul J. Kelly

Physical Review B 109, 014416 (2024)

2. Strain-tunable magnetic compensation temperature of epitaxial Tb3Fe5O12 thin films

Yufei Li, Xihui Yang, Hua Bai, Mingzhi Wang, Dashuai Cheng, Cheng Song, Zhe Yuan, Yi Liu*, and Zhong Shi*

Physical Review B 108, 184403 (2023)

3. Lattice strain effects on the finite-temperature magnetism of two-dimensional single -layer CrI3,

Dongqi Luo, Weishan Xue, Xihui Yang, Yu Ni, Zhe Yuan, Yi Liu* and Yun Song*

Physical Review B 108, 094432(2023)

4. Magnetic damping anisotropy in the two-dimensional van der Waals material Fe3GeTe2 from first principles

Pengtao Yang, Ruixi Liu, Zhe Yuan, and Yi Liu*

Physical Review B 106, 134409 (2022)

5. Exchange-mediated magnon-phonon scattering in monolayer CrI3

Andi Cong, Jie Liu, Weishan Xue, Huicong Liu, Yi Liu*, and Ka Shen*

Physical Review B 106, 214424 (2022)

6. First-principles study of the crystal structure, electronic structure, and transport properties of NiTe2 under pressure

Jian-Feng Zhang, Yawen Zhao, Kai Liu*, Yi Liu*, and Zhong-Yi Lu*

Physical Review B 104, 035111 (2021)

7. Atomic-scale insights into quantum-order parameters in bismuth-doped iron garnet

Kun Xu, Luo Zhang, Andy Godfrey, Dongsheng Song, Wenlong Si, Yawen Zhao, Yi Liu, Yiheng Rao, Huaiwu Zhang, Heng-An Zhou, Wanjun Jiang, Wenbin Wang, Zhiying Cheng, and Jing Zhu*

PNAS, 118, e2101106118 (2021)

8. Temperature dependence of the side-jump spin Hall conductivity

Cong Xiao, Yi Liu, Zhe Yuan*, Shengyuan A Yang, and Qian Niu

Physical Review B 100, 085425 (2019)

9. Gilbert damping in FeCo alloy: From weak to strong spin disorder

Yawen Zhao, Yi Liu*, Huimin Tang, Hanhui Jiang, Zhe Yuan, and Ke Xia

Physical Review B 98, 174412 (2018)

10. Calculating the transport properties of magnetic materials from first principles including thermal and alloy disorder, noncollinearity, and spin-orbit coupling

Anton A Starikov, Yi Liu, Zhe Yuan, and Paul J Kelly

Physical Review B 97, 214415 (2018)

11. Magnon-phonon relaxation in yttrium iron garnet from first principles

Yi Liu, Li-Shan Xie, Zhe Yuan, and Ke Xia

Physical Review B 96, 174416 (2017)

12. Giant Room Temperature Interface Spin Hall and Inverse Spin Hall Effects

Lei Wang, R. J. H. Wesselink, Yi Liu, Zhe Yuan*, Ke Xia, Paul J. Kelly

Physical Review Letters 116, 196602 (2016)

13. Direct method for calculating temperature-dependent transport properties

Yi Liu, Zhe Yuan, R. J. H. Wesselink, A.A. Starikov, Mark van Schilfgaarde, P. J. Kelly

Physical Review B 91, 220405(R) (2015)

14. Interface enhancement of Gilbert damping from first-principles

Yi Liu, Zhe Yuan*, R. J. H. Wesselink, Anton A. Starikov, Paul J. Kelly

Physical Review Letters 113, 207202 (2014)

15. Spin-orbit-coupling-induced domain-wall resistance in diffusive ferromagnets

Zhe Yuan, Yi Liu, Anton A. Starikov, Paul J. Kelly, and Arne Brataas

Physical Review Letters 109, 267201 (2012)

16. First-principles calculations of magnetization relaxation in pure Fe, Co, and Ni with frozen thermal lattice disorder

Yi Liu, Anton A. Starikov, Zhe Yuan and Paul J. Kelly

Physical Review B 84, 014412 (2011)

17. Ab initio investigation of magnetic transport properties by Wannier interpolation

Yi Liu, Hai-Jun Zhang, and Yugui Yao*

Physical Review B 79, 245123 (2009)

18. Fully Band-Resolved Scattering Rate in MgB2 Revealed by the Nonlinear Hall Effect and Magnetoresistance Measurements

Huan Yang, Yi Liu, Chenggang Zhuang, Junren Shi*, Yugui Yao, Sandro Massidda, Marco Monni, Ying Jia, Xiaoxing Xi, Qi Li, Zi-Kui Liu, Qingrong Feng, and Hai-HuWen*

Physical Review Letters 101, 067001 (2008)


· 2021年获北京师范大学第十七届青年教师教学基本功比赛本科理工科组一等奖

· 2021年获北京高校第十二届青年教师教学基本功比赛理科A组三等奖、最受学生欢迎奖、最佳教学反思奖

· 2022年获北京师范大学“彭年杰出青年教师奖”

· 2022年评为北京高校优质本科教案,并获选出版,为其中仅有两门物理学专业课程之一


1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“有限温度下二维磁性材料界面自旋轨道矩的理论研究”,2024.01-2027.12  

2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“铁磁绝缘体中磁振子输运和弛豫的第一性原理研究”,2017.01-2019.12  

3. 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目“面向仿脑计算的自旋电子学理论研究”,2018.012022.12  






• 有限温度自旋输运的理论研究:发展了布居声子和磁振子本征激发模式的理论方法,兼容多组分合金、界面晶格失配等真实材料中的无序结构,成功地应用于计算铁磁金属电阻率、磁阻尼、自旋扩散长度和自旋霍尔电阻率等重要物理量的温度依赖性。

• 二维范德华磁性材料、石榴石晶体等新奇材料的磁阻尼研究:在二维磁性和石榴石材料的磁动力学过程中,磁阻尼主要来源于磁振子和声子的直接散射导致的自旋角动量耗散,我们通过第一性原理计算首次定量得到了磁振子-声子的散射振幅,以及有限温度下激发谱、自旋弛豫时间等重要物理参数。

• 开发基于电子动力学的第一性原理计算磁阻的软件包:采用晶体中布洛赫电子半经典动力学理论,结合瓦尼尔函数插值技术,开发了一套计算金属磁电阻与霍尔效应的理论计算程序,并植入开源程序WannierTools,成功应用与二硼化镁、碲化镍等超导材料的磁输运研究。

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