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发布人:  张晓智  发布时间:  2023-02-20  浏览量:   关闭








上海大学物理系 200444










  2006-03 现在     上海大学 教师

  2015-022015-08  美国休斯敦大学超导中心 访问学者

  2010-012012-01  美国休斯敦大学超导中心 访问学者

  2003-032006-03  浙江大学近代物理中心 理论物理博士

  2002-022003-03  雁北师范学院 教师

  1999-092002-03  东北师范大学 理论物理硕士

  1998-071999-09  雁北师范学院 教师

  1995-071998-07  平朔中学 教师

  1991-091995-07  雁北师范学院(大同大学) 物理专业学士


1. Physical Review B (106), 144503 (2022).

Huai-Xiang Huang, Yu-Qian Cao, Xin Wan

Competing ferromagnetic superconducting states in europium-based iron pnictides

2. Physical Review B (100), 144501 (2019).

Huai-Xiang Huang, Wei Li, Yi Gao, Yan Chen and Fu-Chun Zhang

Anomalous sharp peak in the London penetration depth induced by the nodeless-to-nodal

3. J. Phys: condens. Matter 31, 345402 (2019).

Huai-Xiang Huang, Jing Chen, Wei Ren, Yi Gao, Wei Li and Yan Chen

Insulator-metal transition and quasi-flat-band of Shastry-Sutherland lattice

4. Physica C, (525-526) 1-4 (2016)

H.X. Huang, Y. Chen, Y. Gao, G. H. Yang

Unconventional superconducting states on doped Shastry-Sutherland lattice

5. Physical Review B (93), 064519 (2016).

Huaixiang Huang, Degang Zhang, Yi Gao, Wei Ren and C. S. Ting

Tunneling interstitial impurity in iron-chalcogenide-based superconductors

6. Physica C, (511) 33-37 (2015)

H.X. Huang, S. C. Zhang, Y. Gao, W. Ren

Robust S±-wave superconductivity against multi-impurity in iron-based superconductors

7. Physical Review Letters (109), 187007 (2012).

Huaixiang Huang, Yi Gao, Jian-Xin Zhu, C. S. Ting,

Superfluid density in the s±-wave state of clean iron-based superconductors

8. Physical Review B(84), 134507 (2011).

Huaixiang Huang, Yi Gao, Degang Zhang, C. S. Ting

Impurity-induced quasiparticle interference in the parent compounds of iron pnictide superconductors

9. Physical Review B(83), 134517 (2011).

Huaixiang Huang, Degang Zhang, Tao Zhou, C. S. Ting

Domain walls in normal and superconducting states of iron pnictide

10. Europhysics Lett 87, 37009 (2009)

Huai-xiang Huang, Ying Jiang, Guo-Hong Yang

Possible superconducting symmetry on doped J1-J2 model

11. Physica A 387, 2736 (2008)

Huai-xiang Huang, Xiaoguang Wang, Zhe Sun, Guohong Yang

Entanglment Properties in Mixed Spin-(1,s) System

12. Physical review B, 75, 184523 (2007)

Huai-xiang Huang, You-Quan Li, Jing-Yu Gan, Yan Chen, Fu-Chun Zhang

Unconventional Superconducting Symmetry in a Checkerboard Antiferromagnet studied via Renormalized mean-field Theory

13. Physical review B, 71, 184514 (2005)

Huai-xiang Huang, Y .Q. Li, F. C. Zhang

  Charge Ordered RVB States in the Doped Cuprates

14. Physical Review B (83), 214502 (2011)

Tao Zhou, Huaixiang Huang, Yi Gao, Jian-Xin Zhu, C. S. Ting

Quasiparticle states around a nonmagnetic impurity in electron-doped iron-based superconductors with spin-density-wave order

15. Physical Review Letters, 121, 267005, (2018)

Yi Gao, Yuting Wang, Tao Zhou, Huaixiang Huang, Qiang-Hua Wang

Possible pairing symmetry in the FeSe based superconductors determined by quasiparticle interference

16.Physical Review B, 96,220507 (R) (2017)

Yi Gao, Yan Yu, Tao Zhou, Huaixiang Huang, Qiang-Hua Wang

In-gap bound states induced by a single nonmagnetic impurity in sign-preserving s-wave superconductors with incipient bands

17. Physical Review B, 96,014515 (2017)

Yi Gao, Yan Yu, Tao Zhou, Huaixiang Huang, Qiang-Hua Wang

Possible spin excitation structure in monolayer FeSe grown on SrTiO3

18. Physical Review B (94), 144512 (2016)

Yi Gao, Yan Yu, Tao Zhou, Huaixiang Huang, Qiang-Hua Wang

Hidden sign-changing s-wave superconductivity in monolayer FeSe

19. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (5), 17049 (2015)

Yi Gao, Tao Zhou, Huaixiang Huang, Ran Huang

Majorana zero modes in the hopping-modulated one-dimensional p-wave superconducting model

20. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (5), 9251 (2015)

Yi Gao, Tao Zhou, Huaixiang Huang, Qiang-Hua Wang

Possible superconductivity in Sr2IrO4 probed by quasiparticle interference

21. Physical review B (90), 054518 (2014)

Yi Gao, Tao Zhou, Huaixiang Huang, Peiqing Tong, and Qiang-Hua Wang

Testing the d*x2-y2-wave pairing symmetry by quasiparticle interference and knight shift in BiS2-based superconductors

22. Physica C, (501) 32-35 (2014).

Yi. Gao, T. Zhou, H.X. Huang, C. S. Ting, P. Q. Tong

Mixed-state effect on the low-energy spin dynamics in optimally-doped iron pnictide superconductors

23. Physical review B (88), 094514 (2013).

Yi. Gao, Tao Zhou, Huaixiang Huang, C. S. Ting, Peiqing Tong, and Qiang Hua Wang

Probing active/passive bands by quasiparticle interference in Sr2RuO4

24. Europhysics Lett 100, 37002 (2012)

Y. Gao, H.X. Huang, and P. Q. Tong

25. Physical Review Letters, (106), 027004 (2011)

Yi Gao, Huaixiang Huang,Chun Chen, C. S. Ting, Wu-Pei Su

Model of vortex states in hole-doped iron-pnictide superconductors
